Medical Education Unit Committee

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The MEU aims to create a stimulating and supportive learning environment that nurtures the requisite attitudes, skills, and knowledge required of excellent physicians.

The MEU is constituted in 2016 with faculty development initiative developed under the aegis of the Chairperson

Currently, the main activity is to conduct Basic Teacher’s Training Workshops focused on developing teaching methodologies, objectives, group dynamics, and taxonomy along with teaching learning methodology, assessment and micro teaching as per greatest need of the institution.

About ten faculty members would be trained during each workshop by a core group of five faculty members who had previously undergone training at National Institute of Medical Education (JIPMER). External resources were invited to be part of the faculty. The members and coordinator of the MEU also participated in National and Regional Workshops organized by MCI to consider MBBS curriculum and regulations for undergraduate studies.

The MEU aims to co-opt other faculty members as per requirement and conduct workshops with resource persons both inside and outside the institution.


The Main Objectives of the MEU:
  1. To conduct research and provide scientifically sound information that advances and promotes medical education
  2. To provide service on committees and task forces, like curriculum development, planning, and administration.
  3. To ensure correct balance between research, teaching and service activities.
  4. To ensure continuous quality improvement in Medical education
  5. To nurture the careers of faculty members wanting to focus on educational scholarship
  6. To assist in developing integrated UG curriculum with innovations such as professional development, small group case discussions, problem-based and self-directed learning, integration of basic and clinical sciences, clinical skills and soft skill development.
  7. To develop a clinical skills lab and simulator lab for Gouri Devi Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital
  8. Ensure coordination and implementation of the Educational initiatives of the Governing body
  9. To encourage diversity of ideas, mutual support and mentorship in research methodologies
  10. To support the development of innovative technologies for administration, teaching, and learning.


  • Regular and need based meetings
  • Predetermined agenda circulated to all members, deliberate on agenda issues during meeting followed by action taken
  • The MEU will meet once a month to discuss faculty development programmes
  • Complete report and minutes of meetings will be presented to the Chairperson, Medical Education Unit, GIMSH.