
Welcome to the Heart of Knowledge

The Library Department at Gouri Devi Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital is more than just a repository of books; it is the intellectual hub of the institution, fostering a culture of learning and research among students, faculty, and medical professionals.

The Library Department at Gouri Devi Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital is more than just a repository of books; it is the intellectual hub of the institution, fostering a culture of learning and research among students, faculty, and medical professionals. It serves as a dynamic and integral part of the educational framework, playing a crucial role in the academic and professional development of the entire medical community.

A Comprehensive Collection

Our library boasts an extensive collection of medical literature, including textbooks, reference books, research journals, and digital resources. This vast collection ensures that students and faculty have access to the latest developments in medical science and healthcare.

At the heart of our library’s mission is the commitment to nurturing academic excellence. The library provides a supportive environment where students can immerse themselves in rigorous study, preparing them to become knowledgeable and skilled medical professionals. The extensive collection of textbooks and reference materials ensures that students have access to the fundamental resources needed to excel in their courses and exams.

Library Strengths at a glance

Research Support and Services

The library staff are dedicated to supporting the research activities of students and faculty. They offer a range of services to aid in the research process, from literature searches to citation management.

Research Enhancements:

  • Access to Premium Databases: Subscriptions to leading medical and scientific databases such as PubMed, Cochrane Library, and more.
  • Research Consultations: One-on-one consultations with experienced librarians to assist in refining research questions, identifying relevant literature, and managing references.
Cochrane Library
Online repositories for dissertations and theses

Engaging Learning Environment

Our library is designed to be more than just a place to read; it is a dynamic learning environment where students can engage with knowledge in various ways. Regular workshops, seminars, and guest lectures are organized to enhance learning and keep students abreast of the latest in medical research and practice.

Medical professionals and faculty members benefit from the library’s commitment to continuous professional development. The library organizes workshops, seminars, and guest lectures that keep them updated with the latest advancements in medical science and practices. These programs are designed to promote lifelong learning and ensure that healthcare providers stay current with emerging trends and technologies.

Know More About Us

Gouri Devi Institute of Medical Sciences & Hospital is a leading institution in medical education and healthcare provision, offering state-of-the-art infrastructure and renowned faculty. Our patient-centric care and commitment to excellence set us apart in shaping the future of healthcare.

Medical Education

Gouri Devi Medical College and Hospital provides a comprehensive medical education program that encompasses both theoretical and practical skills.

Advanced Healthcare Facilities

Gouri Devi Medical College and Hospital boasts state-of-the-art healthcare facilities equipped with the latest medical technology.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

The Intellectual Hub of the Institution

To support the rigorous academic and research needs, the library is equipped with modern facilities that create an optimal environment for study and research.

Recognizing the importance of digital resources in today’s academic landscape, our library provides access to a range of online databases and journals, facilitating research and continuous learning.

Support Services

The library’s success is driven by a team of dedicated professionals who are always ready to assist users in navigating the vast array of resources and services available.

Activities and Programs:

Medical professionals and faculty members benefit from the library’s commitment to continuous professional development.